Latest Policies and Procedures Documents for download
Policy Contents
- Introduction
- CHSQ Commitment to the Public
- Our Standards of Practice
- Quality Assurance
- Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations
- Equal Rights and Support
- Health and Safety
- Risk Assessments & Site Evaluation
- Safeguarding and Prevention
- Safe practices for injury
- Malpractice
- Privacy & Data Protection
- Complaints Procedures
- Appealing CHSQ Decisions
- Summary
- Reviews
- Contact Information
Chris Handbury School of Qigong provides education, personal development, and Instructor training in the art of Qigong health exercise for the improvement of health and wellbeing. Our study path embodies the authentic traditional teachings of Chinese Qigong with the modern terminology, scientific knowledge and practices of mindful movement systems that benefit both the physical body and the wellness of mental health.
Our extensive knowledge and high standard of training provide a solid foundation for our instructors to be able to assist and nurture the health and well-being of the individuals and students under their care.
The integration of Qigong practices within the health sector provides efficient and strategic measures during the process of rehabilitation and recovery. Qigong methods are self-regulating and utilised for each individual’s requirements where symptoms of ill health and the importance of wellbeing are paramount.
At CHSQ we present Qigong as a life skill practice that bridges the gap between physical and mental health, ultimately empowering individuals to take an active role in the future of their health and wellness.
Our policies are created to provide a framework for those who interact with CHSQ business duties and operations. The details set out in the policies aim to maintain effective and efficient means of action where support is required for employees, representatives, instructors, and those who interact with CHSQ.
CHSQ Commitment to the Public
The Chris Handbury School of Qigong is committed to providing public and practitioner training in supportive health, therapeutic solutions, and complementary health care. Our goal is to build awareness of the importance of holistic health and through therapeutic exercise and mindful practices to help improve physical and emotional health.
CHSQ key components are aimed at:
As champions for holistic health, CHSQ continues to maintain and develop connections with other medical professionals and health organisations, working towards an integrated system of health care and better quality of life for everyone.
CHSQ Foundations
Since 2006, the foundations of CHSQ training and experience have been built on approved and recognised training with the Complementary and Natural Health Council (CNHC)
CNHC's register is approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, a body accountable to Parliament. This provides additional assurance that CNHC registrants meet UK-wide standards of patient safety and service quality.
CNHC standards and codes of conduct are nationally regarded as the highest level set out for working and training within the complimentary sector. CHSQ aim to continue these standards in all operation and future developments.
In addition, CHSQ has extensive training that is governed by the Acupuncture–Acutherapy Council (ACuC) for the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). ACuC is one of the largest representatives and supporters of TCM practitioners in the UK.
Our Standards of Practice
Our business and operations ethos is built on supporting the health and well-being of others. CHSQ employees, instructors and representatives must always conduct themselves professionally.
CHSQ promote qualities that we insist our instructors should adhere to.
Quality Assurance
CHSQ aim to maintain a high level of service and quality management in the business, its operations, and relationships with those who interact with CHSQ. We aim to uphold high standards of training, knowledge and professional conduct through continued training and education where needed to meet the requirements of those we interact with during business operations.
CHSQ standards of management are bound to the national standards set out by the CNHC (Complementary Natural Health Council) an accredited registered body governed by parliament. CHSQ uphold the requirements set out by ACuC (Acupuncture-Acutherapy Council) for those registered and insured to practice Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Where required, CHSQ will:
Enter into further professional development to meet the needs of our employees, staff, representatives, and the public.
Review competence of lawful requirements on a regular basis and complete additional training to meet the changing needs of local and national policies relating to CHSQ operations.
Maintain competent levels of health and safety while operating as a representative of CHSQ and review procedures on a regular basis. Offer support and solution-based outcomes to those who actively represent the business to help improve present and future needs of quality services and training.
We encourage all representatives of CHSQ to complete a minimum amount of additional training each year. This helps to maintain a high level of skill set and knowledge and retain their qualifications.
This continued progression helps all individuals meet the required standard of competency and professional aptitude needed to work in a safe and suitable manner. Professional development means we are all able to support the needs of those who require the services we provide.
CHSQ practices for assurance
Our process of assuring high standards of training and maintaining the quality of our services is implemented on a regular basis. We offer a comprehensive and continued response to the needs of our learners with regular assessments at each stage of the learning journey.
This includes elements of learner feedback and evaluations that ensure individuals can meet the requirements of the training by creating an holistic learning experience throughout the learning journey.
Learners are regularly informed of any changes to company business operations and training elements that may affect individuals who are currently training or have previously trained with CHSQ.
CHSQ maintains a regular operations log that records each step of the training requirements and highlights any adjustments that are needed to:
CHSQ provides detailed information on policies, procedures, terms, conditions and opportunities for learners to develop future skills. This information can be found on the CHSQ website or by submitting a request in writing.
We welcome your thoughts.
CHSQ welcome any feedback, thoughts and suggestions regarding the information provided to learners and representatives. Our future is built on growing our connections and relationships with those that use our services.
Working together through the development and implementation of effective business operations helps CHSQ continually excel in our responsibilities as an approved training provider.
Contact details are provided at the end of this document.
Qualified Representatives
Those individuals who hold recognised qualifications presented by CHSQ are required to adhere to the policies and procedures set out in this document.
The information and guidance set out in this document help to ensure the expected level of quality management and service is present in all duties, actions and behaviours.
Qualified individuals are required to:
Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations
CHSQ will endeavour, where possible, to help all learners meet the required level of skill and knowledge to meet the needs of a successful qualification. Where present learning material is unsuitable to meet learner needs CHSQ will do its best to create a solution that provides an inclusive and suitable learning experience.
We aim to make assessments and examinations a fair test of the learner’s skill, knowledge and competence regardless of disabilities, learning needs, health status or circumstances that would influence the outcome of our standard training practices. If there are any concerns related to adjustments or considerations, individuals are requested to contact the lead teacher of CHSQ in the first instance for advice and support. Full contact details can be found at the end of the document.
Reasonable Adjustments
CHSQ are only required by law to make ‘reasonable’ adjustments. These adjustments are those that:
Special Considerations
Special considerations are made for those who for such reasons are unable to complete an assessment or qualification. Examples of special considerations are:
Adjustments for those with impairments/conditions
CHSQ is continually evaluating and developing its course structures and learning material to be able to meet the requirements of all applicants interested in our training courses and education products.
Our current commitment to improving access to our training products by aligning our organisation with the information, advice and guidance set out by the EmployAbility Leisure Guide for Education Providers.
Details of this guide can be found at
Eligibility for Adjustments and Considerations
Applying for adjustments and considerations.
Individuals must inform the lead teacher or CHSQ management immediately of any events that may affect their ability to attend or complete assessments or examinations. In some cases, additional support or arrangements may be needed that fall outside of the course material and its arranged meetings. This may incur additional costs for the learner.
Evidence must be provided in writing, on headed paper with the following details.
Equal Rights and Support
CHSQ is a customer-focused business, and we welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. The flavour of life presents many differences in people that CHSQ aspires to embrace and support.
This includes but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, colour, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
CHSQ welcome any information regarding any behaviour or actions that are deemed to discriminate or cause personal or psychological harm to an individual while under the care of CHSQ representatives or during operations of CHSQ business.
Our employees, representatives and Instructors are encouraged to educate themselves on business policies that affect the public and business operations. Further information regarding the Equality Act 2010 can be found here.
Equality Act 2010: guidance - GOV.UK (
CHSQ encourages and supports diversity within the learning environment. Our training materials aim to meet the needs of all learners regardless of age, race, religion, health status, social background, or physical or mental disabilities where possible.
We provide an inclusive learning experience that addresses the diverse needs and abilities of those who attend CHSQ training courses and events.
CHSQ will endeavour to make the best effort to offer suitable material and support that meets the needs of the course material and enables learners to reach the desired outcomes.
Reporting your concerns
Any concerns regarding acts or behaviour of discrimination, whether experienced personally or where others have been subjected to such misconduct, should be reported, in person to the lead trainer or representative of CHQS immediately.
Where this is not suitable, individuals can contact a lead person by email, phone or in writing to discuss their concerns.
Full details of how to make a complaint or discuss matters of concern can be found in the section ‘Complaints and Procedures’
Health and Safety
CHSQ, its employees, representatives and instructors must follow CHSQ’s strict health and safety requirements wherever possible. In addition, Individuals are encouraged to take action where health and safety requirements fall outside of the CHSQ requirements.
Health and Safety requirements must:
Risk Assessments & Site Evaluation
All CHSQ representatives must demonstrate the required knowledge of health and safety when using public venues or creating public events. The following framework provides the basis for assessing the working environment.
Venue Suitability
Safeguarding and Prevention
Our responsibility
CHSQ owners and direct business partners will promote and actively display suitable skills, knowledge, and safe practices to maintain the safety and well-being of those around them at all times.
We aim to take appropriate action to prevent any individual from experiencing any form of physical or emotional abuse and reduce the risk of harm and mistreatment.
We believe that everyone has the right to experience daily life free of discrimination, physical or emotional harm, abuse, and mistreatment.
The protection and welfare of individuals, children, young people, vulnerable adults, and those who require additional support to feel safe and personally secure is paramount to the services we provide to employees, representatives and those who interact with the business.
CHSQ will adhere to the following practices:
Responsibility of others
All representatives and those holding CHSQ qualifications must be able to display the required level of responsibility and knowledge of safeguarding practices. They must be able to demonstrate how to follow CHSQ policies and procedures when dealing with safeguarding and the well-being of others in their care.
Qualities we expect from representatives.
Disciplinary Action
Failure to report concerns or knowingly withhold information that relates to preventing harm or risk to others will result in disciplinary action. It could lead to legal or lawful proceedings or prosecution.
Point of Contact
Christopher Handbury – Lead Safeguarding Person
Safe practices for injury
CHSQ will endeavour to keep up-to-date records of all personal injuries acquired while in the care of CHSQ personnel. A suitable first aid kit and record book must be available at all times.
A qualified, first aid representative should be available at all times where the health and safety of the public are required.
The operation of CHSQ relies on the joint management and correct actions of business representatives and direct personnel. Failure to adhere to the correct requirements of business may result in action being taken.
Main points for concern that may be regarded as malpractice:
Check before you share.
CHSQ have strict rules on sharing, promoting or verbally communicating the services of the business. All public advertising material must first be checked and verified by the school principal before release. Providing the wrong information will have a direct effect on the reputation of the school.
We support you.
Individuals should contact the relevant person or senior manager to report or discuss any matter regarding the business, training procedures, teaching ability or any personal circumstances that may affect the operation of the business.
Your actions count.
All representatives of CHSQ are solely responsible for upholding the reputation of the school and its operations. If at any time actions, words or behaviour are considered unsuitable, dangerous, or damaging to the business or operation of the school, Individuals will no longer be able to represent CHSQ.
Individuals will be removed from any further involvement with the business and the use of its physical and intellectual property. Legal or disciplinary action may be taken.
Protect our property.
All physical material and intellectual property remain in the ownership of The Chris Handbury School of Qigong. Distribution, sharing or duplication of any written or digital material will result in legal action being taken and dismissal from any further involvement with the business.
Privacy & Data Protection
The operations of CHSQ require the use of personal data for individuals who interact with CHSQ and its representatives. This information is used for the sole purpose of business operations and the interaction of physical or non-physical platforms that provide services for the operations of day-to-day business.
Where third-party platforms or businesses are used CHSQ promises to make sure the relevant security measures are in place and provide, by request, any details for the platforms used and evidence of data protection. This information can be requested at any time by writing to CHSQ.
Personal information held by the CHSQ can be removed by request of an individual at any time. Removal of any information may affect the services CHSQ provide.
At no point will CHSQ share or reproduce any information without the prior permission of the individual. All actions by the CHSQ involving the use and distribution of personal data will meet current GDPR requirements.
Full details of the Data Protection Act for CHSQ employees, representatives and instructors will be made available at all times or by visiting the website here Data Protection Act 2018 - GOV.UK (
Complaints Procedures
CHSQ take all concerns and complaints very seriously. Any Information provided to CHSQ helps the business to continue developing a trustworthy service with equally trustworthy representatives within the operations of the business.
Any concerns or queries regarding the operation/duties of CHSQ or the actions of an individual can be submitted for further investigation.
To submit a complaint please send the following information to the appropriate person.
What details to include in your complaint
Where possible your complaint should include the name(s) of any person(s) involved, including yourself.
What happens when we receive your complaint?
Following a submitted complaint CHSQ will investigate the details of the information that has been submitted. We may contact you if we need further clarification.
When details of the complaint have been confirmed CHSQ will contact any persons involved in the complaint and ask for their contribution to the events
On completion of the investigation, a decision will be made on the best action to take regarding the complaint and whether disciplinary action, changes to business operation or further investigation by law is required.
Your right to privacy and anonymity
In all submitted complaints CHSQ aims to maintain the privacy and anonymity of all parties involved.
Due to the nature of some complaints and where events involve situations that require the response of other involved persons. CHSQ may need to share your details. Where judicial help is required, your details may be requested by law.
Complaint acknowledgement
All complaints will be acknowledged within 48 hours where possible.
Completion of a submitted complaint
On completion of a final decision following a submitted complaint, the complainant will be notified. Details of the complaint process may be subjected to data protection laws so some information may be omitted where deemed to be a violation to any persons involved.
Knowing our limits
CHSQ will not be held responsible for any harm or undue injury caused by the misuse of information outside of the CHSQ complaints process.
Appealing CHSQ Decisions
What to do if you are not satisfied with the outcome of an investigation.
If the outcome or decision has been received as unsuitable by the complainant, they can submit a further complaint to be assessed by a panel of CHSQ representatives. This must detail suitable reasons that require further investigation and detail reasons why the outcome of the original investigation was not suitable. This must be submitted within 5 days of the original notification of completion.
A submission for appealing a complaint must include the following details. Please send the information to the appropriate person within 5 days of the final notification of the outcome.
Payments – Terms and Conditions
Deposit Payments
Deposit payments are non-refundable due to administrative duties and set-up costs.
Change your mind? Ill health or injury
Refunds for courses can be offered up to four weeks before the start date of the course. There is a 20% cancellation charge for cancelled bookings to cover expenses and administration duties. Late cancellations within four weeks will be refunded at 50% of the course/unit/module cost.
Refund payments requested during the courses.
If for any reason the student is unable to complete the course or is dismissed from further learning, a 50% payment for the remainder of the course, worked out on a monthly basis will be offered. I.e. If the student ceases training after month three of a seven-month course costing £750. Months four to seven will be refunded at £750.00 divided by 7 months = £107.00 x 4 months = £214.00 refunded payment.
Deferring training to a later date
In some cases, a student can postpone their training for up to twelve months. After this period, we will process a refund following the guide above for ‘refunds during courses’.
Each case will be looked at individually and discussed with the related person. There may be additional administration charges required for deferral of training. Students deferring training are required to attend the following available courses for completion.
If a student has completed previous course material this will be re-assessed under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and any adjustment will be made accordingly so that the learner can meet the requirements of the course without repetition of material.
Refund Notifications
Requests for refunded payments must be made in writing before a course or module start date. No refunds can be made after the course or module has started.
Equal Financial Support
In all cases, CHSQ will do its best to reduce any undue financial costs on the part of business and those entering into training or supportive education with CHSQ
CHSQ continues to promote, educate, and enforce the policies of the business. CHSQ endeavours to operate safely and professionally for the benefit of the public, its employees, representatives, and instructors.
The policies and standards of practice we promote incorporate information that conforms to present requirements and regulations. CHSQ agree to abide by the standards of practice set out by the CHSQ, its partners, awarding bodies and national regulation within the industry of health and wellbeing.
Quality Assurance and Reviews
CHSQ will review the business policies, business operations and associated documentation regularly or where new legislation requires changes to information.
Contact Information
School Principal - Christopher David Handbury
Contact Number 01453 828000
Email – [email protected]
Registered business address
18 Queens Road, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 2QA
Chris Handbury School of Qigong provides education, personal development, and Instructor training in the art of Qigong health exercise for the improvement of health and wellbeing. Our study path embodies the authentic traditional teachings of Chinese Qigong with the modern terminology, scientific knowledge and practices of mindful movement systems that benefit both the physical body and the wellness of mental health.
Our extensive knowledge and high standard of training provide a solid foundation for our instructors to be able to assist and nurture the health and well-being of the individuals and students under their care.
The integration of Qigong practices within the health sector provides efficient and strategic measures during the process of rehabilitation and recovery. Qigong methods are self-regulating and utilised for each individual’s requirements where symptoms of ill health and the importance of wellbeing are paramount.
At CHSQ we present Qigong as a life skill practice that bridges the gap between physical and mental health, ultimately empowering individuals to take an active role in the future of their health and wellness.
Our policies are created to provide a framework for those who interact with CHSQ business duties and operations. The details set out in the policies aim to maintain effective and efficient means of action where support is required for employees, representatives, instructors, and those who interact with CHSQ.
CHSQ Commitment to the Public
The Chris Handbury School of Qigong is committed to providing public and practitioner training in supportive health, therapeutic solutions, and complementary health care. Our goal is to build awareness of the importance of holistic health and through therapeutic exercise and mindful practices to help improve physical and emotional health.
CHSQ key components are aimed at:
- Providing support for public health and wellbeing
- Building public awareness and education of Qigong practices
- Maintaining high standards of care and professional service to the public
- Treating others with equal care and consideration
As champions for holistic health, CHSQ continues to maintain and develop connections with other medical professionals and health organisations, working towards an integrated system of health care and better quality of life for everyone.
CHSQ Foundations
Since 2006, the foundations of CHSQ training and experience have been built on approved and recognised training with the Complementary and Natural Health Council (CNHC)
CNHC's register is approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, a body accountable to Parliament. This provides additional assurance that CNHC registrants meet UK-wide standards of patient safety and service quality.
CNHC standards and codes of conduct are nationally regarded as the highest level set out for working and training within the complimentary sector. CHSQ aim to continue these standards in all operation and future developments.
In addition, CHSQ has extensive training that is governed by the Acupuncture–Acutherapy Council (ACuC) for the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). ACuC is one of the largest representatives and supporters of TCM practitioners in the UK.
Our Standards of Practice
Our business and operations ethos is built on supporting the health and well-being of others. CHSQ employees, instructors and representatives must always conduct themselves professionally.
CHSQ promote qualities that we insist our instructors should adhere to.
- Show kindness to others.
- Do not insult or derogate those around you.
- Harassment and exclusionary behaviour are not acceptable.
- Always be mindful of the power of your words and actions.
- Refrain from behaviour that would be portrayed as threatening.
- Do not use discriminatory humour and language.
- Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms are not acceptable.
- Unwelcome intimate attention is not acceptable.
Quality Assurance
CHSQ aim to maintain a high level of service and quality management in the business, its operations, and relationships with those who interact with CHSQ. We aim to uphold high standards of training, knowledge and professional conduct through continued training and education where needed to meet the requirements of those we interact with during business operations.
CHSQ standards of management are bound to the national standards set out by the CNHC (Complementary Natural Health Council) an accredited registered body governed by parliament. CHSQ uphold the requirements set out by ACuC (Acupuncture-Acutherapy Council) for those registered and insured to practice Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Where required, CHSQ will:
Enter into further professional development to meet the needs of our employees, staff, representatives, and the public.
Review competence of lawful requirements on a regular basis and complete additional training to meet the changing needs of local and national policies relating to CHSQ operations.
Maintain competent levels of health and safety while operating as a representative of CHSQ and review procedures on a regular basis. Offer support and solution-based outcomes to those who actively represent the business to help improve present and future needs of quality services and training.
We encourage all representatives of CHSQ to complete a minimum amount of additional training each year. This helps to maintain a high level of skill set and knowledge and retain their qualifications.
This continued progression helps all individuals meet the required standard of competency and professional aptitude needed to work in a safe and suitable manner. Professional development means we are all able to support the needs of those who require the services we provide.
CHSQ practices for assurance
Our process of assuring high standards of training and maintaining the quality of our services is implemented on a regular basis. We offer a comprehensive and continued response to the needs of our learners with regular assessments at each stage of the learning journey.
This includes elements of learner feedback and evaluations that ensure individuals can meet the requirements of the training by creating an holistic learning experience throughout the learning journey.
Learners are regularly informed of any changes to company business operations and training elements that may affect individuals who are currently training or have previously trained with CHSQ.
CHSQ maintains a regular operations log that records each step of the training requirements and highlights any adjustments that are needed to:
- Improve any physical material we distribute via digital and traditional methods
- Improve the interaction of the digital learning platform.
- Improve the learner experience where elements are created to be inclusive and adapted to the abilities of the learner.
- Record any adjustments required to improve the business operations in a manner that meets current regulations and relevant standardisation needs.
- Highlight any skills or business practices that CHSQ and its representatives would benefit from further education of training to improve the learner experience.
CHSQ provides detailed information on policies, procedures, terms, conditions and opportunities for learners to develop future skills. This information can be found on the CHSQ website or by submitting a request in writing.
We welcome your thoughts.
CHSQ welcome any feedback, thoughts and suggestions regarding the information provided to learners and representatives. Our future is built on growing our connections and relationships with those that use our services.
Working together through the development and implementation of effective business operations helps CHSQ continually excel in our responsibilities as an approved training provider.
Contact details are provided at the end of this document.
Qualified Representatives
Those individuals who hold recognised qualifications presented by CHSQ are required to adhere to the policies and procedures set out in this document.
The information and guidance set out in this document help to ensure the expected level of quality management and service is present in all duties, actions and behaviours.
Qualified individuals are required to:
- Complete annual training to maintain a suitable level of skill and competence.
- Adhere to CHSQ policies, procedures, and quality management.
- Represent CHSQ ‘the business’ in suitable ways to maintain and promote the required level of high standards and quality service in all endeavours.
Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations
CHSQ will endeavour, where possible, to help all learners meet the required level of skill and knowledge to meet the needs of a successful qualification. Where present learning material is unsuitable to meet learner needs CHSQ will do its best to create a solution that provides an inclusive and suitable learning experience.
We aim to make assessments and examinations a fair test of the learner’s skill, knowledge and competence regardless of disabilities, learning needs, health status or circumstances that would influence the outcome of our standard training practices. If there are any concerns related to adjustments or considerations, individuals are requested to contact the lead teacher of CHSQ in the first instance for advice and support. Full contact details can be found at the end of the document.
Reasonable Adjustments
CHSQ are only required by law to make ‘reasonable’ adjustments. These adjustments are those that:
- Can be implemented without altering the quality or requirements of the course material to obtain the correct resulting qualification.
- Do not require a financial investment that would otherwise cause monetary loss to the business.
- Do not affect the outcome or quality of learning for other individuals.
Special Considerations
Special considerations are made for those who for such reasons are unable to complete an assessment or qualification. Examples of special considerations are:
- Making additional arrangements where illness or injury has caused the individual to be absent from an assessment or examination.
- Offering a time extension where personal health concerns or those of a personal family matter have meant a learner is emotionally unable to complete the assessment or examination.
Adjustments for those with impairments/conditions
- CHSQ will endeavour to offer its services to all persons with impairments to include: physical, sensory, cognitive, mental, behavioural and any other condition that may require an evaluation for reasonable adjustments.
- Where possible CHSQ and its representatives will make reasonable adjustments to the course material so that any individual can benefit from the training provided and successfully complete the learning journey.
- Each case will be evaluated individually and any suitable provisions will be implemented or taken into consideration during the application process.
CHSQ is continually evaluating and developing its course structures and learning material to be able to meet the requirements of all applicants interested in our training courses and education products.
Our current commitment to improving access to our training products by aligning our organisation with the information, advice and guidance set out by the EmployAbility Leisure Guide for Education Providers.
Details of this guide can be found at
Eligibility for Adjustments and Considerations
- Learners must provide evidence to support their absence from a pre-arranged assessment or examination.
- We do not accept holidays, uninformed absence, failure to attend, unfounded evidence or acts that are misleading or fraudulent.
Applying for adjustments and considerations.
Individuals must inform the lead teacher or CHSQ management immediately of any events that may affect their ability to attend or complete assessments or examinations. In some cases, additional support or arrangements may be needed that fall outside of the course material and its arranged meetings. This may incur additional costs for the learner.
Evidence must be provided in writing, on headed paper with the following details.
- Date of absence
- Full Name
- Current Address
- A signature
- Considerations - Full details of the reasons for absence or inability to attend and complete the training course.
- Adjustments - Full details of any adjustments that are needed to meet learner needs.
- Evidence can be presented as:
- Written notification from a medical professional.
- Certificate of death or letter confirming a death
- A letter from a recognised professional that relates to the application.
Equal Rights and Support
CHSQ is a customer-focused business, and we welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. The flavour of life presents many differences in people that CHSQ aspires to embrace and support.
This includes but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, colour, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
CHSQ welcome any information regarding any behaviour or actions that are deemed to discriminate or cause personal or psychological harm to an individual while under the care of CHSQ representatives or during operations of CHSQ business.
Our employees, representatives and Instructors are encouraged to educate themselves on business policies that affect the public and business operations. Further information regarding the Equality Act 2010 can be found here.
Equality Act 2010: guidance - GOV.UK (
CHSQ encourages and supports diversity within the learning environment. Our training materials aim to meet the needs of all learners regardless of age, race, religion, health status, social background, or physical or mental disabilities where possible.
We provide an inclusive learning experience that addresses the diverse needs and abilities of those who attend CHSQ training courses and events.
CHSQ will endeavour to make the best effort to offer suitable material and support that meets the needs of the course material and enables learners to reach the desired outcomes.
Reporting your concerns
Any concerns regarding acts or behaviour of discrimination, whether experienced personally or where others have been subjected to such misconduct, should be reported, in person to the lead trainer or representative of CHQS immediately.
Where this is not suitable, individuals can contact a lead person by email, phone or in writing to discuss their concerns.
Full details of how to make a complaint or discuss matters of concern can be found in the section ‘Complaints and Procedures’
Health and Safety
CHSQ, its employees, representatives and instructors must follow CHSQ’s strict health and safety requirements wherever possible. In addition, Individuals are encouraged to take action where health and safety requirements fall outside of the CHSQ requirements.
Health and Safety requirements must:
- Follow CHSQ guidelines for health and safety
- Promote awareness and identify any past, present, or future risks to the public, colleagues and individuals that interact with CHSQ
- Encourage individuals to demonstrate professional skills and awareness in matters where health and safety are of concern.
- Comply with local and national laws or regulations of health and safety in the workplace, especially those involving COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health).
- Offer solutions for risk assessments of venues, workplaces, or temporary structures where one has not been supplied by CHSQ
- Extend requirements to follow guidelines that may differ from that of CHSQ where needed, i.e., venues, events, structures, etc
Risk Assessments & Site Evaluation
All CHSQ representatives must demonstrate the required knowledge of health and safety when using public venues or creating public events. The following framework provides the basis for assessing the working environment.
Venue Suitability
- Physical checks of the integrity and safety of any physical structure or building
- Awareness of immediate problems that might affect the health and safety of individuals and representatives.
- Make provision to inform the individual of present health and safety requirements.
- To perform a fire check procedure and assessment.
- Identify possible risks and inform the venue and immediate users.
- Develop and apply a suitable fire risk evacuation in the event of a fire
- Identify fire exits and possible restrictions that might affect a successful evacuation.
- Provide information and education on fire risk procedures.
- Inform participants of the procedures to follow in the event of danger
- Visually identify warning services, meeting points and fire exits.
- Perform and create a risk assessment of each venue and its exterior provisions used by participants and representatives.
- To inform all users of the risk assessment and be able to provide a physical copy where requested.
Safeguarding and Prevention
Our responsibility
CHSQ owners and direct business partners will promote and actively display suitable skills, knowledge, and safe practices to maintain the safety and well-being of those around them at all times.
We aim to take appropriate action to prevent any individual from experiencing any form of physical or emotional abuse and reduce the risk of harm and mistreatment.
We believe that everyone has the right to experience daily life free of discrimination, physical or emotional harm, abuse, and mistreatment.
The protection and welfare of individuals, children, young people, vulnerable adults, and those who require additional support to feel safe and personally secure is paramount to the services we provide to employees, representatives and those who interact with the business.
CHSQ will adhere to the following practices:
- To protect all individuals from physical and emotional harm, or abuse regardless of race, religion, gender, disabilities, or personal beliefs.
- To follow company policies and requirements that support the well-being of individuals and ensure they receive equal care and consideration.
- Endeavour to meet national and local expectations for the provision of safeguarding children, young adults and those who are vulnerable.
- Provide suitable resources and points of conduct to our representatives for dealing with safeguarding concerns
- Inform our employees and representatives of the policies and procedures they must follow where concerns about safeguarding have been raised
- To maintain the integrity, privacy and confidentiality of individuals when dealing with personal information.
- To follow national guidance and protocols to make sure all staff, representatives and those who interact with CHSQ are lawfully able to work with children and vulnerable adults through the Disclosing Barr Service.
- Providing a consistent point of contact within the business for reporting concerns regarding the safety and well-being of all individuals who interact with CHSQ.
- Regularly update information regarding safeguarding policies and procedures for CHSQ employees, representatives and those who interact with CHSQ
- To include suitable safeguarding practices and education into current training material where needed.
Responsibility of others
All representatives and those holding CHSQ qualifications must be able to display the required level of responsibility and knowledge of safeguarding practices. They must be able to demonstrate how to follow CHSQ policies and procedures when dealing with safeguarding and the well-being of others in their care.
Qualities we expect from representatives.
- To be able to follow CHSQ safeguarding practices and procedures.
- Demonstrate how to report concerns where the health, well-being and safety of an individual are compromised or at risk from abuse, harm, or discriminatory actions.
- Have access to suitable resources, training and contact details to help provide the necessary levels of support and care for individuals.
- To be able to recognise the signs that an individual could be experiencing.
- physical or emotional abuse, self-neglect or neglect from others, radicalisation from extremist or terrorist groups, Intimidation from fraudulent criminals or abuse and injury in domestic environments.
- Not enter into any unlawful activity in-person or online that violates the requirements of safeguarding and could cause harm and risk to the safety of another individual or CHSQ business and its representatives
Disciplinary Action
Failure to report concerns or knowingly withhold information that relates to preventing harm or risk to others will result in disciplinary action. It could lead to legal or lawful proceedings or prosecution.
Point of Contact
Christopher Handbury – Lead Safeguarding Person
Safe practices for injury
CHSQ will endeavour to keep up-to-date records of all personal injuries acquired while in the care of CHSQ personnel. A suitable first aid kit and record book must be available at all times.
A qualified, first aid representative should be available at all times where the health and safety of the public are required.
The operation of CHSQ relies on the joint management and correct actions of business representatives and direct personnel. Failure to adhere to the correct requirements of business may result in action being taken.
Main points for concern that may be regarded as malpractice:
- Failure to provide a high standard of training.
- Expressing actions or views that go against CHSQ policies.
- Misuse of company information.
- Failure to report or knowingly withhold information that may affect the reputation or operation of the business.
- Bringing the business into disrepute through personal actions
- Entering into political discussions regarding the business
- Falsification of information for personal gain
- Misuse of company data, written word, or media files.
Check before you share.
CHSQ have strict rules on sharing, promoting or verbally communicating the services of the business. All public advertising material must first be checked and verified by the school principal before release. Providing the wrong information will have a direct effect on the reputation of the school.
We support you.
Individuals should contact the relevant person or senior manager to report or discuss any matter regarding the business, training procedures, teaching ability or any personal circumstances that may affect the operation of the business.
Your actions count.
All representatives of CHSQ are solely responsible for upholding the reputation of the school and its operations. If at any time actions, words or behaviour are considered unsuitable, dangerous, or damaging to the business or operation of the school, Individuals will no longer be able to represent CHSQ.
Individuals will be removed from any further involvement with the business and the use of its physical and intellectual property. Legal or disciplinary action may be taken.
Protect our property.
All physical material and intellectual property remain in the ownership of The Chris Handbury School of Qigong. Distribution, sharing or duplication of any written or digital material will result in legal action being taken and dismissal from any further involvement with the business.
Privacy & Data Protection
The operations of CHSQ require the use of personal data for individuals who interact with CHSQ and its representatives. This information is used for the sole purpose of business operations and the interaction of physical or non-physical platforms that provide services for the operations of day-to-day business.
Where third-party platforms or businesses are used CHSQ promises to make sure the relevant security measures are in place and provide, by request, any details for the platforms used and evidence of data protection. This information can be requested at any time by writing to CHSQ.
Personal information held by the CHSQ can be removed by request of an individual at any time. Removal of any information may affect the services CHSQ provide.
At no point will CHSQ share or reproduce any information without the prior permission of the individual. All actions by the CHSQ involving the use and distribution of personal data will meet current GDPR requirements.
Full details of the Data Protection Act for CHSQ employees, representatives and instructors will be made available at all times or by visiting the website here Data Protection Act 2018 - GOV.UK (
Complaints Procedures
CHSQ take all concerns and complaints very seriously. Any Information provided to CHSQ helps the business to continue developing a trustworthy service with equally trustworthy representatives within the operations of the business.
Any concerns or queries regarding the operation/duties of CHSQ or the actions of an individual can be submitted for further investigation.
To submit a complaint please send the following information to the appropriate person.
- Your Full Name
- Home address
- Contact Number
- Date of the complaint
- Details of the complaint you are submitting, including person/location or event details.
What details to include in your complaint
Where possible your complaint should include the name(s) of any person(s) involved, including yourself.
- The date(s) of when the event or concern happened.
- The location or venue you were attending when your concern was raised.
- Any other information or evidence to support your claim i.e., witness statements, written word, media files, etc.
What happens when we receive your complaint?
Following a submitted complaint CHSQ will investigate the details of the information that has been submitted. We may contact you if we need further clarification.
When details of the complaint have been confirmed CHSQ will contact any persons involved in the complaint and ask for their contribution to the events
On completion of the investigation, a decision will be made on the best action to take regarding the complaint and whether disciplinary action, changes to business operation or further investigation by law is required.
Your right to privacy and anonymity
In all submitted complaints CHSQ aims to maintain the privacy and anonymity of all parties involved.
Due to the nature of some complaints and where events involve situations that require the response of other involved persons. CHSQ may need to share your details. Where judicial help is required, your details may be requested by law.
Complaint acknowledgement
All complaints will be acknowledged within 48 hours where possible.
Completion of a submitted complaint
On completion of a final decision following a submitted complaint, the complainant will be notified. Details of the complaint process may be subjected to data protection laws so some information may be omitted where deemed to be a violation to any persons involved.
Knowing our limits
CHSQ will not be held responsible for any harm or undue injury caused by the misuse of information outside of the CHSQ complaints process.
Appealing CHSQ Decisions
What to do if you are not satisfied with the outcome of an investigation.
If the outcome or decision has been received as unsuitable by the complainant, they can submit a further complaint to be assessed by a panel of CHSQ representatives. This must detail suitable reasons that require further investigation and detail reasons why the outcome of the original investigation was not suitable. This must be submitted within 5 days of the original notification of completion.
A submission for appealing a complaint must include the following details. Please send the information to the appropriate person within 5 days of the final notification of the outcome.
- Your Full Name
- Home address
- Contact Number
- Date of the original complaint
- Reason(s) for the appeal
- Additional evidence to support the appeal.
- Any information that will help re-evaluate the investigation.
Payments – Terms and Conditions
Deposit Payments
Deposit payments are non-refundable due to administrative duties and set-up costs.
Change your mind? Ill health or injury
Refunds for courses can be offered up to four weeks before the start date of the course. There is a 20% cancellation charge for cancelled bookings to cover expenses and administration duties. Late cancellations within four weeks will be refunded at 50% of the course/unit/module cost.
Refund payments requested during the courses.
If for any reason the student is unable to complete the course or is dismissed from further learning, a 50% payment for the remainder of the course, worked out on a monthly basis will be offered. I.e. If the student ceases training after month three of a seven-month course costing £750. Months four to seven will be refunded at £750.00 divided by 7 months = £107.00 x 4 months = £214.00 refunded payment.
Deferring training to a later date
In some cases, a student can postpone their training for up to twelve months. After this period, we will process a refund following the guide above for ‘refunds during courses’.
Each case will be looked at individually and discussed with the related person. There may be additional administration charges required for deferral of training. Students deferring training are required to attend the following available courses for completion.
If a student has completed previous course material this will be re-assessed under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and any adjustment will be made accordingly so that the learner can meet the requirements of the course without repetition of material.
Refund Notifications
Requests for refunded payments must be made in writing before a course or module start date. No refunds can be made after the course or module has started.
Equal Financial Support
In all cases, CHSQ will do its best to reduce any undue financial costs on the part of business and those entering into training or supportive education with CHSQ
CHSQ continues to promote, educate, and enforce the policies of the business. CHSQ endeavours to operate safely and professionally for the benefit of the public, its employees, representatives, and instructors.
The policies and standards of practice we promote incorporate information that conforms to present requirements and regulations. CHSQ agree to abide by the standards of practice set out by the CHSQ, its partners, awarding bodies and national regulation within the industry of health and wellbeing.
Quality Assurance and Reviews
CHSQ will review the business policies, business operations and associated documentation regularly or where new legislation requires changes to information.
Contact Information
School Principal - Christopher David Handbury
Contact Number 01453 828000
Email – [email protected]
Registered business address
18 Queens Road, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 2QA